Award Nominations

Carlo Heip Excellence Award in Marine Biodiversity

The Carlo Heip Award in Marine Biodiversity was inaugurated in recognition of Carlo Heip’s leadership in marine biodiversity research and founding of the ‘World Conference of Marine Biodiversity’. We seek nominations of individuals who have demonstrated exemplary leadership in marine biodiversity science to receive this award. Recipients of the Carlo Heip Award are Carlos Duarte, Edgar Graham, and Steve Hawkins.


• The 2022 Carlo Heip award nomination cycle will close on December 1st, 2022.

• Self-nominations are excluded. The nominator must ensure the nominee has agreed to be nominated and is aware of the requirement to attend the 2023 World Conference on Marine Biodiversity (WCMB VI).

• The award recipients will be invited to present a plenary talk at the next WCMB VI in Penang, Malaysia.

• The recipient may choose the topic of the talk. The presentation of the award will take place in conjunction with the talk.

• The conference will cover the recipient’s travel to-and-from the conference, accommodation, and complimentary conference registration.

• The recipient of the 2022 Carlo Heip Awards will be notified by March 31st, 2023.

• Nominations should address, in not more than 1000 words, the three evaluation criteria below:

  1. Research impact supported by a list of the candidate’s top 10 publications and a link to their Google Scholar profile (or similar).

  2. Peer recognition demonstrated by indicators such as awards, honours, funding, and speaker invitations.

  3. Service evidenced by meetings organised, teaching, leadership, editorial responsibilities, mentorship, public outreach.

• Nominations (complete with the nominating person’s name, affiliation, and contact details) should be submitted to Dr. Suchana A. Chavanich (IABO Secretary; IABO's Recognition Task Group will act as jury for nominations. The ranking of nominees will only be based on the nomination documentation. Recognising that nominees are likely to be well known in the field, efforts will be made for the evaluation process to avoid conflicts of interest.

• Unsuccessful nominations to the 2022 Carlo Heip Awards will be considered for the award in 2023.

Submission Requirements

• Nomination letter (< 1000 words) responding to the three evaluation criteria and confirming the nominee is willing to attend WCMB VI.

• Nominee curriculum vitae documenting evidence in support of the criteria. This may include links to supporting materials.

• A nomination may include up to three letters of support from selected referees that provide additional support for the nomination. These are optional.

• All nomination documents must be combined in one .pdf file to minimise the risk of the jury overlooking any documents.